Thursday, October 7, 2010

Make way for a healthy puff

“Smoking is injurious to health” the phrase has been thrown about so much that now even a two year old would be able to tell you about it. It is even printed on the side of the pack. But does the repletion of the warning have any effect on those who smoke? Does anyone pay heed to it? The answer is YES and NO. if there are two people who quit smoking everyday then there are ten more who hop on the puffing bandwagon.

We all are well aware about the hazards of smoking. Inhaling tobacco leads to diseases of the heart. Lungs and the throat. People who smoke regularly are more at risk of suffering from heart attack, heart stroke, emphysema and cancer. The cancer could affect in lungs, throat, larynx, mouth and even pancreas. Such is the price one pays for few moments of pleasure. Smoking if not controlled could be fatal. The not so harmful effects of smoking include vascular diseases and hypertension.

The facts we just stated are nothing new, and all of those who find pleasure in smoking are well aware about them. But the stimulation and pleasure one derives out of smoking is perhaps too much to care about anything else.
But sometimes the rational part of our brain takes over and we wonder whether we are doing the right thing. I have often seen my friends wishing for something less hazardous but equally stimulating as a cigarettes. Maybe it’s an answer to their fervent prayers that we now have a health e cigarette. E-cigarettes have been recently developed and are here to stay it seems.

An e-cigarette is something of a personal vaporizer; it runs on battery and mainly provides inhaled nicotine .one could also opt for a non-nicotine vaporized solution.  A health e-cig is an amazing alternative to smoking tobacco in the form of cigarettes, cigars or pipes. The e-cigarette induces a sensation strikingly similar to that of smoking a cigarette or a cigar, without any harmful; smoke reaching your lungs or larynx.

E-cigs are a blessing for those who can’t kick the butt , but still want to avoid the hazards of smoking. E- cigarettes can also be refilled easily, e-cig  cartridges are used for refilling your e-cigarette these are easy to use and can also be found easily anywhere on the internet.

 So quit worrying about your health, as with e- cigarettes you get both pleasure and health.

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