Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Differentiate between the good and bad smoking ways use the Electronic cigarettes

Any kind of addiction which leads to some physical ailment and trouble of the body is very injurious to us and therefore the addict should take special care to stay away from the same so that it doesn’t destroys his system. Various kinds of addictions including drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and myriads of intoxicating items which are easily available in market are bought by the youngsters who have an easy access to them. If these are not stopped it will seriously lead to crippling our future generations who would be badly affected by these.

Cigarettes are one such addiction which begins as a fashion statement and soon becomes a regular habit which is consumed by the smokers at the time of depression or anxiety. The tobacco and the nicotine of these cigarettes has a very intoxicating effect on the mind of the smokers who soon starts loving the feel and therefore neglects harmful effects on their body which is slowly and steadily easily visible  on the body of the smoker. The direct impact is one the lungs and the heart which if not looked into may lead to serious heart ailments and diseases. People smoking these regular cigarettes have often provoked many heated debates and questions in the society wherein many social service organizations have asked the government to ban these in public places as the passive inhaling of the smoke of this tobacco also affects the lungs of the innocent people who just happen to be at the side of a smoker and suffer for fault of his own. A prominent solution is the Electronic cigarette which is often considered a good replacement to ensure safe and secure smoking without any adverse effects on the body. These e cigs offer a real time experience to the smokers and that too without the hazardous effects of the nicotine which may lead to many carcinogens in the smoker’s body further developing in lung cancer or other serious conditions.

These electronic cigarettes are operated on Health e-cig battery which can be used many times in a day. Besides this these E cigarettes are also available in various flavors and taste which also offers great variety to the smoker.

Smoking cigarettes is definitely a bad habit and if one wants to quit after a long time then it’s not that easy too therefore as a replacement or an aid in the quitting procedure one can choose the healthy way by smoking and that is by using E cigarettes which are not at all harmful.   

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