Saturday, July 24, 2010

Quit Nicotine and try E- cigarettes:

Are your looking for an alternative to break free the nicotine which continuously damages your respiratory and cardiovascular systems? Then turn to where we offer you the perfect nicotine replacement which is sure to help you better and does not harm you in any small way. The electronic cigarette is soon gaining popularity as more and more smokers are becoming aware of this safe alternative which gives them a real s     moking experience.  This alternative has generated the hopes of many people who believe that the introduction of E cigarettes will save innumerable lives. It’s a very promising remedy for people who smoke permanently and will surely save their innocent lives going to the drain.  

We at understand the hazardous nature of this habit which once addicted too becomes nearly impossible to escape from and therefore take uttermost to do our bit to save the humankind from this dangerous alluring monster called nicotine. Our products are very inexpensive we trade in bulk from our manufactures and the best part is that all our products are brand new and fresh right out of the factory gates.

We are known for our fast shipping.  Usually, we ship within  business days, and utilize USPS for all our shipping.  On rare occasions when we might be back- ordered, we will ship out the product to you as soon as it is delivered to us in the order it was received.  The good services and stupendous quality has brought many new consumers to us. We have many happy customers throughout the world that have been with us for a long time, with new customers coming on board daily to experience the new way out of the regular nicotine mess.   

Electronic cigarettes are very different from smoking cessation devices.  They are designed to be used by smokers who are seeking an alternative that can be used anywhere so that they save others life too.  That being said, common sense dictates that it definitely has potential to be an integral part of a sensible stop-smoking program (similar to how nicotine gum and patches are used.  

For more information about E-cig refills please visit:-

Curbing your smoking routine made easier with electronic cigarettes

How many times have you met the advice about giving up smoking that suggests you to pick a particular day or date to quit smoking then and there?

But as with almost everyone who's tried to quit smoking this way, all you're really doing is to just hope against all hope that when you wake up on your quitting day, some miraculous event will have occurred while you were off to sleep that magically took away your desire to smoke.

Wouldn't it be fantastic if giving up smoking was really that easy?

The good news is that it is possible to quit smoking without giving up your cigarettes. Yes that means that you can cigarettes minus the ill effects. Companies have come up with an innovative technique to curb your smoking habit into a healthier affair with the invention of Electronic cigarettes that are also widely known as E-cigarette or E-cig as a quick abbreviation. These Electronic cigarettes are very similar to the normal cigarettes and have every feature that mimics the actual components with flavored E-cig refills.

When a smoker inhales the puff, there is a sensor that detects the air flow and it is due this that after this detection in the E-Cigarette a microprocessor injects tiny small drops of liquefied nicotine, which gets vaporized. The vapor tastes, feels and looks like tobacco smoke even though it has no particular smell and it spreads out fast. To add to this effect of virtual realism to the E cigs the mist that is produced during the process looks like normal cigarette smoke as ethylene glycol is used in order to produce the effect. It is because of these e-health cig refills that the smoker gets a distinct presence of nicotine when the puff is inhaled. The best part about electronic cigarette is that it is harmless and at the same time is made in a way to satisfy even hardcore smokers. These cigarettes have no toxic chemicals that are present in the smoke of the normal cigarettes that are carcinogenic substances which stand highly fatal causing health problems like cancer, cardiovascular and other respiratory diseases. So it because of the refills e-health cigs are alike the usual cigarettes and at the same time without any health harms. These nicotine refill cartridges come in various strengths. Most of these have varying strengths specially designed for people who want to quit smoking. As they get used to using the electronic cigarette, they can gradually reduce the strength they use until they quit. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Live well by opting for E- cigarettes- A premium alternative for those who opt for the best

There have always been developments to assist people quit their smoking habits. Smokers know that traditional smoking is harmful to their health, yet, for some, it is an experience that they cannot give up completely. Beyond addiction to nicotine, there are rituals many smokers enjoy that delay their quest to seek ways to stop. Companies have come up with innovative techniques which include nicotine patches, gums and other substitutes that are being used by smoking addicts to move over this habit by altering their mode of nicotine intake. The newest product that surfaces this category is Electronic cigarettes that are also widely known as E-cigarettes, Electric cigarettes or E-cig as a quick abbreviation. Electronic cigarettes are very similar to the actual normal thing.

They feel, taste and look like real cigarettes and have every feature that mimics the actual components. When a smoker inhales the puff, there is a sensor that detects the air flow and it is due this that after this detection in the E-Cigarette a microprocessor injects tiny small drops of liquefied nicotine, which gets vaporized. The vapor tastes, feels and looks like tobacco smoke even though it has no particular smell and it spreads out fast. To add virtual realism to the E cigs the mist that is produced during the process looks like normal cigarette smoke as ethylene glycol is used to produce this effect.

Even the tip of the E-Cigarette glows red because an orange LED is used at the tip to mimic traditional cigarettes. The best part about electronic cigarette is that it is harmless and at the same time is made in a way to satisfy even hardcore smokers. These cigarettes have no toxic chemicals that are present in the smoke of the normal cigarettes that are carcinogenic substances which stand highly fatal causing health problems like cancer, cardiovascular and other respiratory diseases. Apart from that E-cigs are odor free and do not cause bad breath and staining of teeth. It has no passive smoking effects and does not irritate non-smokers. Electronic cigarettes are not particularly smoking cessation devices but they do render a much healthier alternative in place of smoking regular cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes: designed to look and feel like real cigarettes

Are you looking forward to quit on smoking because of the adverse effects involved in it but can’t get a way out of this? Smokers know that traditional smoking is harmful to their health, yet, for some, it is an experience that they cannot give up completely.  Beyond addiction to nicotine, there are rituals many smokers enjoy that delay their quest to seek ways to stop.  Current technology has brought this new innovation to make our lives just a little easier.  Possibly one of the greatest new discoveries is that of the e-cigarette. For this reason is the best means to shop for Electronic cigarettes and their different parts like cartridges, batteries, atomizers, chargers, carry cases, starter kits, etc. is a small family-operated company located in California, and Connecticut, USA

There Electronic cigarettes look, feel and taste like a conventional cigarette, but there is no fire, no combustion, no tar and no real smoke.  Also, and most importantly there are no carcinogenic substances present in these cigarettes. No ashtrays are required, no stale smells and no air pollution. So these are also safe for those around you as there would be no harmful effects because of the passive smoke. While the cost of tax on tobacco increases, the cartridges used with smoking an e-cigarette are not subject to those taxes.  E-cigarettes can cut the cost of smoking in half or more.  In addition, patches and other quit smoking medications can be just as expensive as cigarettes.  The taste of these e cigarettes resembles that of its standard tobacco equivalent, but in comparison it feels smoother and cleaner as there are none of the impurities associated with real tobacco. Refills which include flavors like Marlboro, Menthol, Apple, Cherry, Chocolate, Coffee and Lemon carry an additional distinct and refreshing taste.

We at have many happy customers throughout the world that have been with us for a long time, with new customers coming on board daily.  We do not claim to be perfect, but we always strive to provide the best service to our consumers. We offer low prices at virtually wholesale rates to attract the small retailer that does not want to have a high inventory, and who can get supplies quickly from us for their own customers in the USA at reasonable prices. 

For more information about E-cig please visit:-